FALCON presented its work to representatives of the European Commission (EC)

FALCON participated in the online anti-corruption workshop on 23rd January 2025, organised by DG Home, DG RTD and the European Research Executive Agency (REA), together with five other projects under the EU funding programs of Horizon Europe or the Internal Security Fund: Bridgegap, RESPOND, Kleptotrace, Poseidon, and iMonitor. About 50 representatives of the European Commission were present.

First tools presented: Technical & Plenary Meeting in Karlsruhe

4 FALCON members behind a laptop discussing a FALCON tool

On 3 December, our technical partners met at Fraunhofer IOSB in Karlsruhe (Germany) to discuss the current state of the tools developed for FALCON. Subsequently, all partners gathered for a plenary meeting from 4 to 5 December, including a hands-on session in which the end user partners could test the tools and functionalities.

Communication and Networking on International Anti-Corruption Day 2024

December 9th is known as International Anti-Corruption Day since the passage of the United Nations Convention Against Corruption in 2003. This year, we took the opportunity to engage in various activities, spreading the word about the FALCON project. In particular, we posted numerous video statements on Twitter/X, in which consortium members highlight the motivation and unique approach of FALCON. In addition, FALCON participated in the online event “Advances in Anti-Corruption: Current Trends and Future Prospects”.

Plenary Meeting in Strasbourg

On 26 and 27 June 2024, almost 40 participants met for our 3rd FALCON Plenary Meeting in Strasbourg (France). Our partner BETA (Bureau d’économie théorique et appliquée) provided us with a wonderful conference venue in the University of Strasbourg’s Villa Knopf.

In the current phase of the project, an important focus lies on data acquisition and analysis tools for data extraction. In-depth discussions revolved around which data is relevant, available, and how we can access it.

Plenary Meeting in Valencia

Our 2nd FALCON Plenary Meeting took place on 23 and 24 January 2024 in Valencia (Spain) and was hosted by the Technical University of Valencia (Universitat Politècnica de València).