FALCON research project

Understanding and
  fighting corruption

by joining forces of law enforcement
   practicioners, social scientists, and
      experts in data analysis and AI

FALCON (Fight Against Large-scale Corruption and Organised Crime Networks)

is a three-year Horizon Europe  research project in the field of anti-corruption.  It will address the significant challenges of the global fight against corruption by developing new, data-driven indicators and tools. FALCON was started in September 2023 and follows an evidence-based, multi-actor and interdisciplinary approach.

A comprehensive approach: The scope of FALCON


We conduct an evidence-based analysis of the corruption landscape, informed by the social sciences.

Big Data

We gather data from heterogeneous sources into a common model and build the software to analyze it.


Based on this data and  AI methods, we develop tools for risk assessment, investigation and decision support.


We cooperate closely with practitioners through co-design workshops, pilot implementation tests and newly developed training measures.


We pay special attention to ethical and legal aspects such as trustworthiness of AI components or privacy and data protection.


We issue policy briefings, communicate and disseminate FALCON’s results to all stakeholders, and pursue targeted exploitation activities.

FALCON News   News archive »

4 FALCON members behind a laptop discussing a FALCON tool

First tools presented: Technical & Plenary Meeting in Karlsruhe

On 3 December, our technical partners met at Fraunhofer IOSB in Karlsruhe (Germany) to discuss the current state of the tools developed for FALCON. Subsequently, all partners gathered for a plenary meeting from 4 to 5 December, including a hands-on session in which the end user partners could test the tools and functionalities.

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January 23, 2025

Anti-corruption workshop organised by the European Commission

January 29, 2025

1st pilot: End-user partners test the tools developed in FALCON
Online, internal


March 25-27, 2025

FALCON presentation at the CEPOL Research & Science Conference
Rome, Italy

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We are happy to get in touch with all stakeholders of the anti-corruption fight: Law-enforcement agencies, public sector and policymakers, industry and private sector, academia, and civil society.

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Actual corruption phenomena: Pilot use cases

Use Case 1:
Early detection of public corruption and public procurement fraud
FALCON will offer an interactive analytics dashboard giving access to data and valid corruption risk indicators, which can support both investigation and intelligence activities. Additional features further enhance the investigative potential. FALCON can also combine public procurement data (e.g., from opentender.eu) with company data, which can yield new and high-accuracy risk indicators. Key novelty is the combination of different, large-scale data sources, advanced methods and tailored risk indicators in the same analytics dashboard, thus providing a holistic approach for law enforcement to counter corruption crimes.
Use Case 2:
Tracing of sanction circumvention schemes and assets owned by 'kleptocrats'/oligarchs
FALCON will create a powerful analytics dashboard giving LEAs access via APIs to multiple processed data sources, that will facilitate their investigation process and intelligence collection. Tasked LEAs can access structured company ownership information and registries to establish ownership links and transfers. Also, FALCON will enable LEAs to map real-estate property and trace ownership transfers/transactions and can support the identification of vessels and tracing any actions undertaken by individuals to circumvent their sanctions/freeze these vessels.
Use Case 3:
Tracking and investigating corruption schemes in border control points
FALCON can support a solution able to show the probability of a corruption case (e. g. bribery linked to cigarette smuggling) in a traffic light principle during the “car-crosses-border” process. By comparing features across datasets, a relation to factors that indicate a high potential for a corruption case could be detected. Additionally, FALCON can offer a visual recognition tool based on artificial neural networks (Deep CNNs), which would be able to identify the same car, while looking for unique features across cars. Through this UC and by using state-of-the-art AI and ML technologies for data, text, pictures, videos analysis and recognitions can lead to less time wasted for border guards.
Use Case 4:
Tracing conflicts of interest and asset self-declarations of politically exposed persons
FALCON will provide access to linked data such as: company and corporate data, procurement data, lists of political office holders and PEPs, and when possible: asset and interest declarations and other potential links. FALCON will bring together large-scale datasets crucial for tracing potential conflicts of interest and how connections bias public procurement. Finally, FALCON will offer a comprehenive and reliable assessment of corruption risks, not only flagging likely conflict of interest but also its likely abuse for gaining favoured treatment in public procurement.
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25 partners joining forces: The FALCON consortium